Continuous vocational training

Continuing vocational education and training Arch. Fulvio Claudio Melle
Year: 2000-2015
Employer: Further Education Institution
- Progettazione di facciate: sistemi di fissaggio a scomparsa -2 ore cf- (Ordine Architetti Bolzano con Arnthaler Sistemi di Facciata)
- Urbanistica, appalti pubblici e servizio di consulenza legale offerto dall'Ordine -4 ore cf- (Ordine Architetti Bolzano)
- La corretta progettazione del sistema vetrato: tra comfort visivo e il comfort termico -4 ore cf- (Libera Università Bolzano, Müller Vetri)
- Facciate complesse e multifunzionali -Test e sviluppo, valutazione e progettazione per ottimizzare efficienza e prestazioni -3 ore cf- (Eurac research, Bolzano)
- Corso BLSD impiego di defibrillatori (Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano)
- Training day Accademia Wolf Haus -7 h cf- (
- The civil and criminal liability of the architect - Theory and Practice
-4 h cf- (Ordine degli Architetti Bolzano) - Crowdfunding for Drones -4 h- (TIS innovation park, Tecnologie Alpine | Cluster Civil Protection & Alpine Safety)
- The new energy bonus. Application and interpretation -4 h CF (KlimaHouse Bozen)
- Centodieci is sharing. The impact of social networks on the world -8 h cf- (Ordine degli Architetti Bolzano)
- Public works contracts and best value -4 h cf- (Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige)
- Quality Standards for the planning of industrial zones -4 ore cf- (Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige and BLS)
- Corporate Architecture Südtirol-Alto Adige -4 h cf- (Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige)
- Sean Griffiths -all you can eat -2 h cf- (Ordine degli Architetti Bolzano)
- Ceramics Linde Burckhardt -2 h cf- (Ordine degli Architetti Bolzano)
- The provision of social Inarcassa -4 h cf- (Ordine degli Architetti Bolzano)
- Innovation prozessee and tools: BIM and Cloud in the building -4 h cf- (Ordine degli Architetti Bolzano)
- Designing with glass today: new standards and technologies for transparent systems in building -4 h cf*- (Glas Müller Vetri, Bolzano)
- Fire Safety Engineering: updating seminar and guided of the CNR-INVALSA s. Michele all'Adige -4 h cf- (TIS innovation park, Bolzano)
- The reform of regional planning in 2013 -4 h cf- (Comitato interprofessionale degli ordini e dei collegi ad indirizzo tecnico della provincia di Bolzano-Alto Adige)
- The responsibility for accidents at work (USEB Bolzano)
- Natural stone and local public tenders -2 h cf- (Architectural Association Bolzano)
- Public works after the entry into force of Law 98/2013 converting Decree Law 69/2013 (decreto "del Fare") -6 h cf- (CNAPPC, Rome)
- Recovery of demolition materials of CaseClima -3 h cf- (Agenzia Provinciale per l'ambiente)
- Structure analysis training and micro planning -3 h cf- (ADES)
- Requirements for participation in planning projects for public works -2 h cf- (Ordine degli Architetti Bolzano)
- Criteria for selection of tenders: The most economically advantageous tender (Prov. Autonoma Bolzano)
- May 15, 2013-Safety Coordinator: 66 hours of training
- Safety when working at height and fall protection systems -4 hours - (ADES)
- Prevention and fire protection. Updates national and international regulatory and legislative -4 hours- (Associazione prevenzione incenditalia)
- Acoustics and school environments -4 hours- (AIA, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige, Inail, Azienda Sanitaria Altoadige)
- Innovative vocational qualifications on internet: Ethical aspects of the use of new communication technologies - 3 hours - (ADES)
- Discipline of distances in construction (Comitato interprofessionale degli ordini a indirizzo tecnico della provincia di Bolzano-Alto Adige)
- Speaker and Workshop-Tutor at the seminar “Vocational training as a Competition Manager" (Architectural Association Trento)
- New design opportunities with exposed concrete (
- Innovative vocational qualifications on internet: Ethical aspects of the use of new communication technologies - 3 hours - (ADES)
- Safety at work and using equipment in the light of the new agreements of the conference state - regions - 3 hours - (CONFAPI, QSA)
- Earth. Water. Time. 3 ideas for lighting design. Themes landscape, wellness and spa, historic buildings (Simes, Selectra)
- Safety at work - 4 hours - (Architectural Association Bolzano)
- Checking the equipments: regulations, procedures and periodic inspections - 8 hours - (ADES)
- Lifting equipments: regulations, procedures and periodic inspections and maintenance - 8 hours - (ADES)
- Maintenance plan - 4 hours - (ADES)
- Validation of completeness of the operation safety plan - 4 hours - (ADES)
- Construction side organization and security and evacuation plan - 8 hours - (ADES)
- Risk of falling: legal provisions, technological and operational solutions; training - 8 hours - (ADES)
- Speaker and Workshop-Tutor at the seminar “Vocational training as a Competition Manager" (Architectural Association Bolzano)
- Our solutions for safety at construction site and at work - 8 hours - (ADES)
- Tender procedure and award for the supply of services, Project validation (Department of buildings -Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol)
- Technical guidelines ClimaHouse 2011 - 2 hours - (
- Water booter systems for fire fighting, smoke and heat outlet, fire alarm system - 3 hours - (Fire protection Association Italy)
- Problem internal insulation (TopHaus Spa)
- How to design public space. Projecting and maintenance (City of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento, Development section porphyr)
- Being and remaining Security Coordinator and/or Health & Safety Manager (D.L. 81/2008) - 4 hours - (ADES)
- Systems of emergency management - 3 hours - (ADES)
- Thermography in 3D (Leica Geosystems)
- Abbruzzo: “Emergency management and seismic improvement of buildings” (Free University of Bolzano)
- Architecture and landscape planning at civil engineering (Civil Engineering Department - Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol)
- International conference “needs/dreams of a city” (City Bolzano, Foundation architectural association)
- "Construct for the future", from support structure to prefab design (it’s my nature Pircher)
- Complex wooden structures, new dimensions in modern timber construction (Rubner, Foundation Architectural Association Bolzano)
- Colour and Health (Vocational College)
- Safety coordinator in construction sector - 60 hours - (German and ladin vocational training - Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol)
- Pavimentazioni industriali (Mapei)
- Course for application and use of the Blower Door device for corresponding tests (at Hofheim)
- Entry on the list "Elenco ministeriale dei professionisti abilitati al rilascio delle certificazioni antincendio": Nr. BZ00531A00083
- Sun cooling (EURAC)
- The new "Data Protection Code": Protection of personal data (EURAC)
- Software for accounting, security, time span, energy calculation 2K Collection (888)
- Safety at construction site D.L. 494/96
- Safety coordinator in construction sector - 60 hours - (German and Ladin vocational training - Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol)