last officenews

Enertour 2015, TIS innovation Park
University Roma 3 visit our building "tra Vigneto e Bosco" with the postgraduate Master Housing

Success at KLIMAHOUSE CITY PARCOUR 2015, for the project "tra Vigneto e Bosco"many interested participants

Our project "Tra Vigneto e Bosco" goal of the City Parcous organized by TIS innovation park Area Energy & Environment as part of the fair Klimahouse 2015. As an example of good energy rehabilitation, visits are planned for the end of January.

Delivery of the apartments Neumarkt.
The IPES delivery with a small ceremony 12 apartments designed in Neumarkt in the new area Vill. The President and the new technical director dell'IPES, the mayor, the deputy mayor, the president of the community surfed and present express Thumbs on the quality of architecture and spaces [...]

We're on Twitter. Follow us!
After being enrolled now we finally started to "tweet." Follow us! in addition to presenting our projects, spread news and useful links about architecture and the architectural profession and beyond.

Distinctive columned facade
architekturjournal publish a draft of Neumarkt in the area Vill, 12 apartments designed for the IPES of Bolzano, in his yearbook 2013-bauen + handwerk dedicated to South Tyrol.

From Rome to visit the site
Gen. of Division Falsaperna, director of works and the military property (GENIODIFE), visit the site of Sterzing accompanied by Col. Zagli, is chief of the general staff command Alpine troops of Bolzano, and other senior officers, remaining impressed by 'progress of work.

Great success for the state of the Chamber of Architects of Bolzano in the largest real estate fair in Munich. Our exhibition space has numerous fans visited our beautiful area with great interest - both because of new forms of our architecture, and because of the quality in the use of materials [...]

Apartments for the military Vipiteno
The works for the construction of 36 service accommodation for staff of the Ministry of Defence in Sterzing are started. The work will be performed by the general contractor ZH General Construction Company Ltd of Campo Tures. As site manager looking forward to working with you and rapid progress [...]

Visit us at Expo Real trade fair in Munich from 8 to 10 October 2012. You will find us at the EOS booth in Hall A1 Booth 411 (A1.411) together with the chamber of architects, planners, landscape architects, conservators of the provinces of South Tyrol. We look forward to your visit. We would [...]

Maico, Tecnogramma dedicates an article to our last project
Our last realized project in Postal (Bz) is published in the last revision of Tecnogramma, the interesting magazine of Maico dedicated to fittings for windows and doors and the wellbeing in housing. For our enthusiasm on developing construction and architectonical details the firm Maico wanted [...]

Villa Bardolino
Start of construction work of a one-family house in Bardolino with a great view of the Lago di Garda. Our office followed the detailed and execution planning and will take care of the entire work.

Inauguration of the new nursery in via Positano
A small celebration was held today to inaugurate the Klimahaus B nursery school Druso 1 in via Positano, in the presence of the mayor of Bolzano Luigi Spagnolli, the responsible city councillors Stefano Pagani (Public Works) and Margarete [...]
Last projects
Expansion of the "Laurin" Lana nursery school
Recognition by the jury for the "Laurin" Kindergarten expansion project and construction of a microstructure for early childhood
8 lodgings Auerwiese St. Lorenzen
Competition for the construction of 8 apartments in the "Auerwiese" expansion area Lot A3 in the Municipality of San Lorenzo di Sebato
35 apartments WOBI "Grieser Auen" Bolzano
35 apartments E.Z. C2 "Grieser Auen" in the municipality of Bolzano
Under Rosskopf (mountain)
Vipiteno, barracks Menini de Caroli area, realization of AST accommodations